Year 6

Year 6

PE Day:  Wednesday and Friday


During this half-term, we have been learning about ratio and algebra whilst revising our arithmetic skills. We have written a narrative about the terrifying moment our characters came face to face with a Blucher! We have been revising and improving our grammar, spelling and punctuation knowledge - verb tenses, subjunctive mood and passive voice to name but a few. We have been 'catching up' on some topics such as Time, 3D shape and statistics. In reading, we have been focusing on reading stamina and applying reading skills to support our comprehension ready for our Sats. In PE, we were refining our Hockey skills.

This half-term we have been reading and writing using 'The Boy in the Tower' by Polly-Ho-yen. Strange things have been happening in Camberwell!! We have been working hard to improve our knowledge about Fractions, decimals and percentages. During our art lessons we have been learning all about Victorian art and architecture; discovering the inspiration behind the design of iconic buildings, such as; the Houses of Parliament, St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey. In DT, we designed and made water walls for our younger classes to enjoy.

Classification formed the basis of our learning in Science.

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