

Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends Elm C of E

The Importance Of Attendance

REMINDER: Children's attendance should be 100%. Any holidays or unathorised absences taken during school term time may result in a penalty notice being issued (per parent, per child).

"There is a clear link between poor attendance at school and academic achievement… children have little chance of catching up their peers if their attendance is bad." (Department for Education. Improving Attendance at school. Crown 2012)

At Elm C of E we value education and the right for every child to be educated. At the heart of this is regular attendance. We reinforce to children that "We come to school to learn," and that "if we aren't at school, we aren't learning." Being at school every day is very important so that children don't miss out on valuable learning time.

The only reasons to be absent from school should be due to illness or exceptional circumstances. No holidays will be authorised in term time under any circumstances.

Our attendance policy and procedures are in line with Local Authority policy and Wisbech Schools Partnership.


Our Attendance Target:

Don’t be late! Every Minute Counts

If your child is late every day by-

5 minutes means 3 school days lost

10 minutes means 6.5 school days lost

15 minutes means 2 weeks lost (10 days)

20 minutes means 2 weeks 3 days lost (13 days)

30 minutes means 3 weeks 4 days lost (19 days)

If your child arrives after registers have closed this is marked as one unauthorised session. 

Attendance Policy

Elm C of E Attendance Information for Parents :

School Start Time :   8.40am 

Registration Time: 8:45am

Registers will close : 9.10am   

School End Time: 3:10pm

TOTAL Time: 6.5 hours per day = 32.5 hours per week

To report an absence :

Contact the school office : 

01945 860295 and follow the instructions.   

Academy Attendance Champion : Miss Emma Duncan

First Day Absence procedures:

Parents are expected to notify the academy each day if their child is unable to attend for an unavoidable reason, such as illness. If the academy does not receive notification, we will:

• Send a message asking you to make contact with the school as soon as possible.

• Call all numbers for those with parental responsibility.

• Call other contacts

• If all avenues of communication have been exhausted with no response we will conduct a home visit. 

Elm C of E Primary Attendance Leaflet

List of services

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