Year 2

Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 Class!

Classroom Teacher: Mrs Foster

Class Timetable

Knowledge Organisers

Summer Term 1

Art History Geography Science

Year 2 Class Blog: 

W.B: 29.04.24

On Tuesday this week the children chose either the climbing wall or archery for their Elm activity day. Some children chose the climbing wall because they loved it from before, whilst others opted to try something new in the archery. Whatever their choice, everyone had a great time!

We are now studying 'Materials and Matter' in Science and this week we explored the wonders of Velcro! We learned how the scientist George de Mestral got the idea for this brilliant invention whilst out walking his dog! Ten years of hard work later and he had perfected Velcro as we know it now. We had great fun ripping the 'hook' and 'loop' Velcro pieces apart and sticking them back together again. We then explored this material 'in action' on our book bags, shoes and the classroom timetable. Where would we be without it?

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W.B: 22.04.24

In our PE lessons we have now started Yoga in the hall every Wednesday afternoon. On Friday mornings we have Athletics outside on the playground or field. All children participate with enthusiasm and have come a long way this year in learning to work together as a team. Well done, Year 2!

In R.E we are learning to ask questions to find out more about people and their beliefs, with the help of the character 'Theo.' We have explored the meaning behind stories from different faiths this week and next week we will explore how the same religious festival can be celebrated in different ways around the world.

W.B: 15.04.24

Welcome back to the new term! Year 2 have settled back well into our class routines and have excitedly started on our Summer Term learning. Thank you to everyone at home for supporting the children with their reading comprehension homework during the Easter break. We continue in our reading journey to move from learning to read to reading to learn. We are enjoying reading Aesop's Fables in English and we have been working on the fractions half, quarters and thirds in Maths. Calculation homework will be sent home shortly to help reinforce these key skills. The children have been very interested in their History learning about the Tudors, especially about the life of Henry VIII and the fate of his wives! We visited the Life Education Bus in the school grounds on Thursday to support our learning across the PSHE curriculum. The children had the opportunity to explore the theme of 'Feelings' and learned more about medicine safety. They really enjoyed the visit and the experience of learning in a different environment.

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W.B: 25.03.24

Year 2 children have enjoyed a very full and busy week! We worked hard to learn all the Easter songs for the church service and for our class performance at the Easter coffee morning. Thank you to everyone who helped the children to make some beautiful and creative Easter hats, which the children proudly paraded. They all looked amazing! We hope that all our parents and families enjoyed our class song which the children were so excited to perform for you. Although the weather prevented us from sharing our wonderful singing with our families in church, the children were still able to participate in the service in the school hall and they all did so well.

The Year 2 Team wish all of our children and families a very Happy Easter holiday.

W.B: 11.03.24

The children have really enjoyed being introduced to the 'Greek Myths' in our whole class reading this term. We read together every day in English and across the wider curriculum. In our whole class reading sessions everyone reads aloud to develop accuracy, pace and fluency. The children have been able to retell the story of 'Pandora's Box' in their own writing and they have written a letter in role as Persephone, writing to her mother from where she is trapped in the Underworld. The children have been fascinated by these amazing stories and their writing shows some impressive use of empathy and vocabulary. Great reading and writing, Year 2!

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W.B: 04.03.24

We rounded off a great week with the children sharing their learning in their class assembly on Friday. Very well done to all the children! We are so proud of the way in which you presented your learning, from your clear and confident speaking voices to your fantastic singing! The children really enjoyed sharing our learning across the curriculum, including our Art activities. Thank you to all of our parents and grandparents who were able come and support the children for their assembly. It was brilliant to see so many smiling faces encouraging the children every step of the way.

W.B: 26.02.24

It was lovely to see the children eager to be back at school after the half-term break. They line up happily in the mornings and come into school with smiles and a "Good morning" each day and then settle quickly into the classroom before assembly. After assembly we have our  Sounds Write phonics lesson, whole class reading and then English. After playtime we have Maths and the afternoon comprises of the other curriculum subjects. Every day is a busy learning day and this week has been no exception! We hope that our parents enjoyed seeing the progress that the children have made in Year 2 so far at Parents Evening before the holiday. Thank you for your continued support with the children's learning at home. As discussed at Parents Evening, reading and times tables are a great focus for home learning to continue to support your child at school. We look forward to supporting your children's learning in partnership during the rest of the term ahead.

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W.B 12.02.24

What a busy week we have had in Year 2! The children completed their self-portraits in Art, which they have been working hard on over the past few weeks. The children are very proud of their final self-portraits, and they have evaluated these considering what they are most pleased with and what their chosen background tells someone about them. The children shared their self-portraits with the children in EYFS as they completed their own self-portraits last term. The children in Year Two could really see how far they have progressed in their painting skills over the past two years.

  • Self Portraits Of Year 2

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W.B: 05.02.24

Welcome to our new Year 2 Blog page! We look forward to sharing our learning and news with you.

On Friday Year 2 had their final swimming lesson at the pool. It has been fantastic to see the progress in water confidence and swimming skills that the children have made over the past weeks. We are all very proud of all the children and the progress that they have made at their own level. Well done to all!

We always like to put our Art sketches next to each other so that we can compare and discuss the similarities and differences, learning from each other. We are all very creative!

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