Week ending: 11th October 2024
Its been all about our maths this week - well for the last couple of weeks to be honest - but this week we seem to be making HUGE strides!
We have been looking closely at numbers within 100 and thinking about the value of each digit in two digit numbers. This week we have focussed on mathematical vocabulary so that we can describe the order of numbers as ascending or descending.
We have also been comparing numbers using the symbols < > = and paying close attention to how many tens and how many ones in the number. It all felt a little bamboozaling to begin with - but I am hearing the vocabulary being used in partner talk and the results in our quizzes are improving rapidly!
AWESOME work Year 2 :-)
Week ending: 4th October 2024
We are full swing into the Class Text - 'Aladdin and the Magic Lamp' in our English reading and writing sessions! What a great story so far..... I wonder if Aladdin will marry the princess? Will the sorcerer come after Aladdin for the lamp? Will everyone find happiness in the end?
The children have been practising writing some really tricky words so they can write about the parts of the story - and I have been amazed and impressed how well they have remembered the spellings - if you haven't been treated to a spelling showcase - ask your child to write words like.... genie, Emperor, palace, sorcerer, magic, Aladdin and Princess! Be prepared to be impressed!!
Week ending: 27th September 2024
I hope you have been hearing lots about ART!!!
Year 2 have been studying 'Colour and Shape', learning all about Primary and Secondary colours, tints and shades and how warm and cool colours can create mood in a piece of artwork.
This week the children have been inspired by Vassily Kandinsky's artwork called 'Squares with Concentric Circles'. They have used warm and cool colours to create contrast - and we have started to put the pieces together to create a display in our room. I have attached a picture - I think they look great!
Well done Year 2!
Week Commencing: 16th September 2024
I am delighted to let you know that we have had a calm and productive start to the Autumn term in Year 2. I have caught up with most pupils about their Summer holidays and we are using some time at the end of the day to share certificates, trophies, medals and achievements. We will continue to share significant achievements as a class, but Show and Tell will be slimmed down.
The Year 2 email address is now up and running so if you have something to share with me, please use the class email.
We have started our new class text 'Aladdin and the magic lamp' this week and it promises to be a great story to base our reading and writing on. All subject units are underway and the knowledge organisers can be found in the tabs above.
PE days are on Wednesday and Friday so please come to school in PE kits on these days with long hair tied up and no jewellery.
Elm CofE Primary School
Tel: 01945 860295
Email: office@elm.cambs.sch.uk
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To contact the Headteacher Jackie Mills please email
To contact the SENDCo Mary-Ann Short please email
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