Year 3

Welcome to our Year 3 Class!

Classroom Teacher: Mrs Broda-Kaye

                                    Mrs Tinnon & Miss Rouse

Class Timetable

Knowledge Organisers

Spring Term 1

Art Science History Geography

Year 3 Class Blog

Week Commencing 4th March 2025

We have had such a busy week and created some excellent pieces of work. In English, we have created a narrative about Razvani and Lila meeting. Mrs    Broda-Kaye has been so impressed with our writing and use of speech. In Maths, we have worked hard on money and made amounts using different coins. To extend our learning ,we then completed money related problem solving. Our Art skills have been challenged this week and we have painted our shoulder clasp that was discovered at Sutton Hoo. In Religious Education, we have looked at the life of Saint Assisi and how he cared for others, especially animals. Thursday was World Book Day and we completed some fun activities and shared our favourite books. Another fantastic and busy week.

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Week Commencing 24th February 2025

Our first full week back after half term and what a busy week we've had! In English, we have worked hard on developing our writing skills by using speech marks. Although there are many rules when writing speech, we worked hard to correctly write up our ideas. Our new topic in Science, is on plants we have have looked at the roll of what a botanist does. Hockey is our new PE activity this week and we have worked hard to develop our skills, making sure that we are using the flat side of the hockey stick only. In Art we have looked at Anglo-Saxon jewellery and created our own sketch of the famous golden shoulder clasp. Our History focus this term is on the Vikings and we discovered where they originated from and how they made their ships.

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Week Commencing 10th February 2025

Our final week for this half term and it has been a busy one! In English, we have worked really hard on developing our sentences by using fronted adverbials and a range of description words. We have thought hard about how Lila would be feeling as she enters the eerie cavern and even added similes to our sentences. In Art we have been busy making our version of papyrus paper and then drew an Egyptian god or Goddess on the paper. Some of us loved the mess and some of us were not so keen! In Geography we investigated America and looked at the Mississippi river. Our times table knowledge has extended this week, as we have been using the column method to complete 2 by 1 multiplications. Our times table songs have been a big help! Did you know the river runs through 10 states! To end our busy week, we have completed Latin and looked at the root meaning of words.   

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Week Commencing 3rd February 2025

What an amazing week of learning! To improve our writing, we have been using fronted adverbials in our sentences. Mrs Broda-Kaye then challenged us to add adjectives too, so we have created some excellent work banks. Our challenge next week will be to use these in our fronted adverbial sentences. In History, we have looked at Sutton Hoo and what was discovered under the bizarre shaped hills. To extend our times table skills, this week we have worked on 2 by 1 digit multiplication using our partitioning skills. In Art, we completed our Nefertiti busts and are proud of our designs. On Friday, we had NSPCC Number day and learnt the number we can call to support us if we need to talk to someone. We ended the week with a PSHE activity on how to keep safe.

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Week Commencing 27th January 2025

Mrs Broda-Kaye has been so impressed with our work this week. In Maths, we have had different multiplication challenges to complete and using our numicon we have worked through these carefully. In English, we have used time connectives, prepositions and imperative verbs to complete our instructions on 'How to clean an Elephant. This is linked to our story 'The Firework-Maker's daughter". We are enjoying this book and have thought hard about how Lila is feeling. In Science we completed a fun experiment on shadows. Throughout Thursday, we went outside at different times of the day and drew around our shadow. We then discovered why the shadows are in different positions. In Art we have looked at the bust of Nefertiti and created our own version using pasta.

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Week Commencing 20th January 2025

We have been so busy this week and completed a range of work. At the moment, we are reading 'The Firework Maker's daughter' and we have been thinking carefully about how Lila has been feeling about her dream to be a firework maker. She has decided to leave home, so we thought of a letter we would write to plead with her to return. In Maths this week, we have been looking at word problems. We have tried hard to identify if we need to divide or multiply and then used our times table skills to solve the calculations. In History, we have looked at the life of Anglo-Saxons and how they made their homes. We couldn't believe that the animals would live with them at the back of the room! To end our week we have looked at families and how many of us have different homes, and this is why we are unique.

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Week Commencing 13th January 2025

Our first full week back and my goodness we have been busy! In English we have been looking at instruction writing and looked at the importance of using time connectives to order the events.  We have carefully selected different time connectives and added these to our instructions. On Thursday, we experimented with torches to see what materials were transparent and opaque. Most of our predictions were accurate. On Wednesday, we got very excited becuase we had to make a sphinx out of clay! In History, we have studies the Picts and Scots and discovered that both tribes were seperated by the Grampian Mountains. In Maths, we have been multiplying and dividing number families. Using our times table knowledge, we have then completed different challenges. To end our week we completed some Latin and Mrs Broda-Kaye was amazed at our skills in solving the meaning of the new words.

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Week Commencing 6th January 2025

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a lovely break. Although we had 4 days in school this week, we have still been extremely busy. In Maths we have investigated the meaning of commutative and how we can use repeated addition to support us in solving multiplication tasks. Our focus in English this week has been to write a biography about Phillip Pullman. We discovered that he was born in Norwich but later moved to Wales. For our new Science unit this term, we are looking at light. We investigated why we need light and how is supports us to see, grow food and gives us vitamin D. In Art this week we looked back at our history work on the Egyptians. We then looked that some famous artefacts of the Egyptian ere and sketched them. A brilliant first week back.

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Week Commencing 16th December 2024

Our final week of 2024 and we have been super busy! In English, we completed our report on the digestive system. Mrs Broda-Kaye was really impressed with our scientific language and report features such as sub-headings and diagrams. For our Pride of Elm day we had hot chocolate and popcorn whilst we watched a Christmas film. The Cinderella panto came to visit us too and we laughed a lot at the Pantomime.  On Thursday, we looked at the true meaning of the Christingle and then created our own for our church service. To end our week, we watched Stig of the Dump movie and then went to church for our Christingle service. Happy Christmas everyone and see you all in 2025!

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Week Commencing 9th December 2024

Year 3 have worked hard on creating a letter to Stig asking him to return to his den. Some of used some emotive language to make the reader feel the emotions. Mrs Broda-Kaye was really pleased with how we wrote in the first person. In Maths, we completed an addition and subtraction quiz on all the units we have been taught. We amazed our teachers with our scores and now feel more confident with addition and subtraction. In DT this week, we have been sewing a Christmas decoration. Some of us struggled with sewing but we persevered and created some beautiful designs. In Art we have completed a wonderful still life drawing of a pear and Mrs Broda-Kaye and Ms Brown were really impressed with our choice of colours. To end our week we completed our Egyptian assessment and wrote many facts we have remembered. An amazing a busy week.

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Week Commencing 2nd December 2024

In Year 3 this week we have worked so hard on completing our English writing. Mrs Broda-Kaye couldn't believe how many fronted adverbials and adjectives we added to our writing. Most of us even added similes for extra detail. Our Maths, this week has been working on subtraction. We looked carefully at how we exchange and then used these skills to complete addition and subtraction words problems. For Science this week, we looked at the meaning of metamorphosis and how this means a complete change. One amazing fact we found out about tadpoles was that they lose their gills and grow lungs to breathe above water. In History, this week, we have looked at the mummification and how the Egyptians would take out the organs and weigh the heart. It was gross but fascinating. To end our busy week, we completed our Rudolph Run and raised over £2,000 for charity.

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Week Commencing 26th November 2024

In Year 3 this week we have been working hard on looking at similes in our English. We talked about the forest and the trees and how these look like soldiers and are as green as emeralds. As a class, we had a great discussion and then completed sentences using similes. Our subtraction skills this week have amazed Mrs Broda-Kaye and we have shown our exchanging skills.  In Art we looked at Morandi's art work using cross-hatching. We had the challenge to complete Morandi's artwork using cross hatch and adding different tones. Our Science this week has been looking at migration and how animals migrate in different seasons. In History, we investigated the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. We couldn't believe that there were over 2,000! To end our busy week, we talked about who we can talk to if we have a worry in school and at home.

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Week Commencing 18th November 2024

This week has been really busy. In Maths, we have been working on column subtraction and looking at the importance of exchanging in order to be able to complete the calculations. For our writing this week we have been looking at using fronted adverbials and used these to improve our sentence writing. We have remembered the importance of using commas to separate the fronted adverbials. In Science, we have looked in detail at the life cycle of a plant. We have spoken about the meaning of germination and how a seedling develops. Mrs Broda-Kaye was amazed at our art skills this week as we drew a jug and glass. We then used different pencil skills to complete our drawing and add shading to make the image look 3D. To end our amazing and hard-working week, we performed our celebration assembly to the school and our parents. It was a stone-tastic way to end the week! We rocked!

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Week Commencing 11th November 2024

To begin our week, we had a respectful remembrance collective worship. We stood silent for 2 minutes to remember those that had been, and are currently fighting. We then had time reflecting on this and coloured in our poppies. In English, we completed our description of Barney falling into the chalk pit and meeting Stig. Our number skills have developed a great deal this week and we are now adding 2 and 3 digit number together using the column method. We have looked carefully at what the carrying means and how we show this in our working out. In Science, we have discovered that our planet is on a tilted axis and this is why we have our seasons. We later explored our fields to find deciduous and evergreen trees. In our PE this week, we completed gymnastics and made different shapes with our partners. To end our week we have had a fun day dressing up for Children In Need. We have donated money and spoke about why Pudsey is so important to our community. 

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Week Commencing 4th November 2024

The start of the second part of the Autumn Term began in the most exciting way- a school trip! We went to Wandlebury Park and investigated the Iron Age. When we arrived we looked at artefacts that can rot and items that will not rot. Using a grinder we then separated the wheat from the chav and grinded the grain. Later we used long sticks, we cooked the bread over the fire. Some of us were nervous but we used courage and cooked our bread safely. Some of us enjoyed the bread and some of us did not! In Maths we have been looking at adding and subtracting two digit numbers. Mrs Broda-Kaye has been really impressed with our working out. To end our History unit we looked at the similarities and differences of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. To end our week we worked on our new Science unit and investigated why we have seasons.

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Week Commencing 21st October 2024

We have ended our week with some exciting learning. In English we have written a descriptive passage about Barney falling down the chalk pit. We have sectioned our writing to enable us to add more description. In Maths, we have been working on our new unit- addition and subtraction. We have used our place value skills to solve problems such as adding 10, 100 to a number. In History we have looked at the Iron Age in preparation for our trip to Wandlebury next half term. To complete our Geography unit this term, we completed our quiz and then explained the similarities and differences between San Francisco and Wisbech. To end our week we created healthy eating posters to encourage people to remember the importance of healthy foods. An amazing way to end our first half term in Year 3.

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Week Commencing 14th October 2024

What a week we have had in Year 3! To start the week we carried out different maths investigations to see if we could spot the carry. We have to add 1 to 356 for example, and see how we have made a new ten. Our place value counters helped us with this. Our writing has improved this week and we have started to write up our final narrative. Mrs Broda-Kaye has been amazed by our sentences and the detail we are now adding. We have been really impressed with our leaflets on the Human Body. Many of us have written about how our food is digested in great detail. In History this week we have investigated the Iron Age and looked at why they built hill forts and what the first coins looked like.  In Art we created our beautiful print tiles and used autumnal colours to add detail. To end our amazing week, we enjoyed our final swimming lesson.

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Week Commencing 7th October 2024

This week has been full of fun and exciting learning.  To consolidate our place value skills we have been carrying out investigations. We chose 3 digit cards and had to make the largest and smallest numbers. We then had the challenge of making the numbers odd and even, remembering that the ones digit is vital. In English, we have looked carefully at using speech. We correctly spotted the mistakes in some examples and then used our skills to write a passage, accurately using speech.  To end our Science unit, we have started our leaflet about the human body. Mrs Broda-Kaye was amazed at our knowledge about the nervous system. We have worked hard in History this week and compared Stone age to the Bronze age. We found many differences and then wrote sentences about our discoveries. Our focus in PSHE this week, has been to look at the how rules may change in different areas of the community. We amazed Mrs Broda-Kaye with our knowledge on how to show respect and we even could give example of this. To end our amazing week, we enjoyed a swimming lesson.

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Week Commencing 30th September 2024

Year 3 have had a busy week. In Maths, we have used our place value knowledge and to problem solve words problems. In English, we have looked carefully at conjunctions and how a compound sentence has two main clauses that join together. In Science, we have looked at how we digest food and that natural foods are absorbed into our blood stream. We have worked hard in History this week and looked at Stonehenge. We found many facts; including that bluestone came from Wales and was transported to the Stonehenge site. We were amazed that the size of the rocks and debated how these rocks were delivered! Our focus in PSHE this week, has been to look at the reason we have rules and how society would look if there were no rules. We amazed Mrs Broda-Kaye with our thoughts and our reasons why rules are so important. On Friday we walked sensibly to the church and took part in our Harvest celebration. It was lovely to see so many of our parents and carers.  Another amazing week and full of exciting learning.

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Week Commencing 23rd  September 2024

Year 3 have worked hard this week. In English, we have looked carefully and proper nouns and how all of these require a capital letter. We then investigated using pronouns to replace proper nouns to prevent repetition. In Maths, we have looked at the rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. We amazed Mrs Broda-Kaye with how well we used the number lines to support us. In Science, we have looked at the how our bodies prepare to eat and that saliva has chemicals to help us break down our foods. We really enjoyed our History lesson on the Bronze Age and discovered that Tin and Copper makes bronze. We then watched a video of how people made bronze many years ago using a process called smelting. We ended our week with a fantastic swimming lesson. Amazing end to the working week.

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Week Commencing 16th September 2024

Year 3 have covered a range of new subjects this week. In English, we have completed a biography about Clive King and have began to set our work out in paragraphs. In Maths, we have continued to look at place value and the meaning of ascending order. Mrs Broda-Kaye has tried to trick us by using complicated 3 digit numbers. In Science, we have looked at the nervous system. We then linked hands completed a spinal cord journey. In Art, we have used lines to create an image of our hands but making the image look 3 Dimensional. On Friday afternoon, we headed swimming and we all tried to further develop our confidence. Some of us submerged our face and some of us went in the deep end! Amazing end to the working week.

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Week Commencing 9th September 2024

Our first week in Year 3 and the children have settled in amazingly well. The children have been working hard on their English skills and we have been looking carefully at using apostrophes. We identified the different apostrophes and how they are used for possession and contraction. In Science we have been looking at our skeletal system and how we have an endoskeleton. We spoke about insects having exoskeletons. In Music we have listened to off-beat music and the famous Elvis Presley's 'Hound Dog' song. In History we have started to look at the Stone Age and how there are three main stage of the Stone Age period- Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. In the Paleolithic period, we found out that they were nomads- so they moved place to place.

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Curriculum visits and enrichment activities: 

Wandlebury Park

Coming Soon

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