Year 4

Year 4

PE Day:  Monday and Friday

Welcome to our Year 4 Class!

Classroom Teacher: Mrs Murdoch

Class Timetable

Knowledge Organisers

Summer Term 1

Art History Geography Science

Year 4 Class Blog: 

Week Commencing 6th May 2024

What a quick week!  Year 4 have been busy learning about the civil war - the Parliamentarians vs the Royalists and what happened to King Charles I after he lost the war.  This was followed by exploring Brighton and learning why it is such a popular tourist spot.  Not only did the children write superb essays, but their questions this week have been outstanding - "Why wasn't Charles I beheaded straight away?" "Why is Brighton sunny so often?" and in science we had "Why is it colder higher up if your closer to the sun?".  They have certainly been making my brain work!

We have started decimals, recapping tenths and starting hundredths and starting to understand that twelve hundredths is the same as one tenth and 2 hundredths.  Times table test time is nearly here but Year 4 have been working hard with some amazing progress.

This week concluded with another swimming lesson.  Will be a fabulous way to cool down now the sun has finally come out!

  • New R.E. Curriculum

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Week Commencing 29th April 2024

This week the children have written fascinating, well-constructed explanation texts, explaining what sound is, and how we make it.  I was incredibly impressed with how they constructed their sentences, and the technical vocabulary they managed to use correctly.

On to of this, they have finished their fractions unit, and are moving on to decimals - tenths and hundredths.  Their timetable results are improving even more and I'd love your continued support in the last few weeks before the national test week.

On Tuesday, we were incredibly lucky to have a go at archery and climbing.  There were some budding Robin Hood's amongst the group and several of the climbers reached the very top of the wall!  We have been exploring philosophy and answering questions such as 'If you borrowed a million pounds, would you be a millionaire?' & 'which is best - to be right or kind?'  The discussions around the answers were excellent, helping us to understand and appreciate each others uniqueness.

  • New R.E. Curriculum

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Week Commencing 22nd April 2024

This week we have started to read our new book - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, and have explored some of the themes of that book, such as vanity and self-discovery.  The pupils have been working very hard to read at home and climb their way up the Star Reader board.  Keep up the hard work!

In maths, I have been super impressed with their fraction work.  They have been find fractions of amounts, and also the original amount when given a fractions.  Not an easy topic and they have worked diligently and systematically.

Our afternoons have been filled with learning about: the Gun Powder plot and the radicalisation of Guy Fawkes; How the River Thames offered great protect and transportation for the Romans; how states of matter change and what that means for water, and finally we have been exploring theology and human science.

Thank you for all your hard work this week supporting your child with their timetables - they are trying their hardest and showing how their hard work pays off.

  • New R.E. Curriculum

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Spring Term

Week Commencing 15th April 2024

What a fabulous first week back!  The pupils enjoyed an interactive session on The Life Education Bus.  They wowed us with how much knowledge they had picked up this term from discussions around our curriculum such as the skeleton system being vital for support, movement and protecting vital organs.  They explained how we were all unique and they were the best at being them.  Our tutor took us on an interactive tour to the 'planet' Conformatron and the aliens discussed what they had learnt about humans and alcohol, cigarettes and vaping, with the pupils sharing what they had learnt in PSHE.

Back in the classroom, pupils have demonstrated resilience and perseverance with their times tables over the Easter holidays.  Some of them have been practising most days and we have seen a massive improvement in their results as such.  This will help them with the last few weeks of fraction work and as we head into decimals.

Finally, we have been reading fables and learning that they are a story with a message, with Aesop favouring advice on how to survive and avoid the pitfalls of life.  They are excited to start our new book next week - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.

Life Education Bus

Life Education Bus

Life Education Bus

Week Commencing 11th March 2024

This week has been slightly manic with the play.  However, the pupils have been working hard in between singing songs and learning their lines.

In English, we are getting ready to write our last piece based on The Odyssey - a letter home to Penelope.  The children have loved this book and have managed incredibly well with all the Greek names.   Their last written piece this term will be on geography - I look forward to charing it with you soon.

In maths, our fraction work has been progressing well, with all the pupils truly understanding what fractions are: denominators, numerators, unit and non-unit.  Next week, we up the anti and start working with equivalent fractions and finding fraction amounts.

In history, we have explored Pax Romana where the Romans had 200 years of peace, but in geography we have been exploring the divide between Ireland and Northern Ireland with nationalists and unionists.

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  • Our Penelope letters

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Week Commencing 4th March 2024

Today is World Book Day and the pupils have had some wonderful costumes on and look fabulous!  Thank you parents.

This week we have commenced play rehearsals and started to learn our songs which are very catchy.  In geography, we have been exploring Northern Ireland and your children would make excellent tour guides if you ever visit.

In maths, we are moving onto fractions - a little tricky but they are doing well.  It has been lovely to see them reading more frequently at home and sharing the books they bought/borrowed over half term.

Work this week

Fractions & Northern Ireland

Week Commencing 12th February 2024

This week, Year 4 played netball against Year 5 and they made us proud - winning one, drawing 2 and losing 1.  Superb skills!

In maths, we have been hunting for treasure using coordinates, ready to move onto angles and shapes after half term.  Odysseus has nearly made it home in our whole class reading book, with his expeditions keeping us on the edge of our seats every day.

The children wrote some superb assessments in essay style for history and science and nearly completed their own Scream pictures.  We'll keep you updated once finished.

World Book Day

Year 4

Week Commencing 12th February 2024

This week, Year 4 played netball against Year 5 and they made us proud - winning one, drawing 2 and losing 1.  Superb skills!

In maths, we have been hunting for treasure using coordinates, ready to move onto angles and shapes after half term.  Odysseus has nearly made it home in our whole class reading book, with his expeditions keeping us on the edge of our seats every day.

The children wrote some superb assessments in essay style for history and science and nearly completed their own Scream pictures.  We'll keep you updated once finished.

Week Commencing 5th February 2024

Year Four have been busy painting their own version of Munch's Scream.  We have been learning how to watercolour and create emotion using colour.  Next week, the pupils get a chance to make their own 'Scream' style painting.

In maths, we have finished learning about perimeter and area, with great confidence, and are looking forward coordinates next week.

In science, we have been exploring pollution, especially focusing on air, water, sound and light.  The pupils have been linking it to local issues - our roads, factories and farming.

Finally, we have been preparing for our big netball match against Year Five.  We'll keep you posted next week.

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Curriculum visits and enrichment activities: 

Fenland Activities

The Life Bus

World Book Day

Athlete Assembly

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