New Paragraph
Progression of Art over the half term October 2024
This has been a lovely introduction to Art for Year 4. We have been looking at the effects of light and how we can use this knowledge in our drawing and painting to create 3-D effects. Initially, we thought about form and accurately being able to draw the outline of a still life. We then thought about where the light was coming from and how it was 'hitting' the object. This led us to thinking about the different tones we could see - where the object was lighter or darker (in shadow). This allowed us to make our 'form' appear to be 3-dimensional though the way we shaded it.
We learned the word 'chiaroscuru' which is an artistic feature that develops dramatic differences between the highlighted and shaded areas of the object. We carried this idea throughout the rest of the term as we changed between different media - charcoal, acrylic paint and coloured pencil.
Tone in charcoal
Background and foreground layering in acrylics
Layering using coloured pencils
Layering using coloured pencils
Week Commencing 7th & 14th October 2024
Over this two-week period, Year 4 have been working on their next assessed piece of writing. This time, they have written part of the story of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. The section is when Oliver asks for more.
Each child has worked on making their own plan from a model text. They have extracted the important information they want to include in their version of the story and recorded it on a planning sheet.
The next step is to work through each of the sections - opening, rising action, climax, resolution and ending, writing their story in their own words. Everyone in class has shown enthusiasm and determination to produce their best work. I am very impressed.
Plan 1
Writing 1
Plan 2
Writing 2
Week Commencing 30th September 2024
Year 4 have worked incredibly hard this week, our focus in Maths has been to use our place value knowledge and investigative skills to solve word problems. In Science we are continuing to learn about the digestive system and our knowledge of internal cellular systems has impressed Miss Brown.
During PSHE we have discussed the importance of trust and boundaries in our friendships and can recognise when we need to use others' permission to show our respect for them.
On Thursday we thoroughly enjoyed participating in the NFU's Harvest Carnival and learnt; where different ingredients from around the world come from, how farmer's harvest certain crops and how those crops get from the field to the shop ready for us to buy and eat.
Week Commencing 23rd September 2024
Year 4 have been learning about the human body and completed their first experiment of the new school year this week. We took three hard boiled eggs and submerged them in different liquids to investigate the effect of different substances on our tooth enamel. We used coca cola, water and lemon juice, left our eggs on the window sill for a week and noted the results on Thursday.
We were fascinated by the results of this and the children were shocked at what lemon juice (acidic drinks) and coca cola (sugary drinks) can do to our tooth enamel.
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