Year 6

Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 Class!

Classroom Teacher: Miss Hemsley

Knowledge Organisers

Spring Term 1

Art History Geography Science

Our class blog:

Week commencing: 23rd December 2024

The children are off for their Christmas break. They have worked very hard in their first term of year 6. They have lots of new and excited learning to look forward to. Please come back and see more updates in the new year!

Week commencing: 16th December 2024


Week commencing: 9th December 2024


Week commencing: 2nd December 2024

Year 6 have been working hard this week in art! Firstly, they had to roll and prepare a rectangle clay tile. Then, they modelled a relief tile depicting Florence Cathedral! This was achieved by adding detail to the tile by cutting clay away/ drawing into clay with a tool or by adding clay using a cross hatch technique.

--> Here are just some of the examples! We are excited to see them once they are glazed!

Week commencing: 25th November 2024


Week commencing: 18th November 2024

In art, year 6 have started a new unit of learning! This half term, the children will be learning about renaissance architecture and sculpture. This week, they have developed an understanding of how Brunelleschi designed Florence cathedral which has the largest brick dome in the world. The children have begun to draw Florence Cathedral using their line drawing skills.

Week commencing: 11th November 2024

This week in Geography, year 6 were using their map reading skills to investigate Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The children have been surprised by vast dissimilarities in wealth distribution around the world. They were even more shocked by the direct impact of GDP on various aspects of daily life such as adult literacy. As a class, the children reflected on this and discussed how we could be agents of change and help those less fortunate than ourselves.

Week commencing: 04th November 2024

After a restful half term, year 6 were keen to get back to school and get back to reading our Whole Class Reading text - 1000 Year Old Boy by Ross Welford. This week, the children have completed a range of questions to help support their inference, word meaning and prediction skills which are all vital skills in reading. The children didn't want to put down the book on Friday... they are excited to find out what happens in part 3!!

Week commencing: 28th October 2024

The children are off this week and enjoying a well deserved rest! They have worked very hard in their first half term of year 6. Next half term, they have lots of new and excited learning to look forward to. Please come back and see more updates!!

Week commencing: 21st October 2024

Year 6 have been on patrol this week!! Their brains have been working extra hard during a mock SATs week so they have thoroughly enjoyed their science work in the afternoons. After learning about how light travels, they investigated the use of periscopes!! They have each made an amazing working periscope to be able to see things out of sight or while remaining hidden!

Be warned… they could be spying on you! 

Week commencing: 14th October 2024

This week in geography, year 6 have been learning about map projection. Map projection is a method that involves representing our round Earth on a flat piece of paper. To help the children understand this better, they drew some continents onto an orange using a marker pen. Carefully, they peeled the orange and tried to lay the pieces flat on the table. They found that they couldn't just take a 3D image and replicate it exactly on a 2D surface because it became distorted.

Week commencing: 7th October 2024

More art this week and “eye” cannot believe this!!

Year 6 have continued to be inspired by anatomical drawings. Just like Leonardo da Vinci, they’ve studied the human eye in science and have been amazed by optics.  We used our new found knowledge of the parts of eyes as well as how light travels to create realistic drawings.

                        ‘See’ these incredible artworks !!  --->

Week commencing: 30th September 2024

Year 6 have been learning about art in the Italian Renaissance. This week, they have been inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s anatomical drawings. Luckily, they didn’t use his methods of dissecting bodies - no staff were harmed  in the making of this art!!

Week commencing: 23rd September 2024

This week in English, Year 6 have been writing short burst narratives. They were inspired by Ross Welford and 1000 Year Old Boy to write about a fire in the woods! The children have been amazing in applying their sentence structures and vocabulary! We focused on using -ing openers and dramatic dashes in our writing as well as using 'Show Don't Tell'.  See here some incredible examples ->

Week commencing: 16th September 2024

Year 6 have been applying their prior knowledge of light to form their own hypothesis about shadows. They planned their experiment and then worked scientifically to find evidence to support their hypothesis about shadows.

What they did find was... clear evidence for future scientists!!

Week commencing: 09th September 2024

Year 6 have been hitting the dance floor in PE today!! They worked on the choreography of a short dance to pop music and using repeated movements! They finished the lesson by performing the routine in a classic dance battle!! Next week, they aim to refine the synchronicity.

Watch a short clip of greens vs. blues:

Week commencing: 02nd September 2024

After a long and well deserved summer break, we are back! With a short week of just 2 day, the children got straight to work and begun their new learning. Year 6 were immediately ‘shining’ in their new science learning about LIGHT !!! The children worked practically to consider how light travels. They learnt that light illuminates to allow us to see, light sources are natural or artificial and light travels in straight lines! See our practical work and some theory work here -->

Curriculum visits and enrichment activities: 

Harvest Service 

DEMAT Football

Jeans for Genes

NFU Harvest Festival

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