Year 5

Year 5

PE Day:  Monday and Friday

Welcome to our Year 5 Class!

Classroom Teacher: 

Miss Hemsley

Class Timetable

Knowledge Organisers

Summer Term 1

Art History Geography Science

Year 5 Blog

Week commencing: 06 May 2024

In science, the children have been learning about the earth’s moon and the phases of the moon. They worked practically to investigate the moon. The children found this very interesting and have worked hard to understand this hard concept. They found out that the moon is the Earth’s natural satellite. The moon is a planet, it does not make its own light. Depending on the position of the Sun, we see all, part or none of the Moon; these are known as the phases of the Moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first humans to land on the moon.

Can you work out which phase is the moon in now?

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Week commencing: 29 April 2024

Year 5 were lucky enough to have a go at some rock climbing  and archery! Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport, one that often tests a climber's strength, endurance, agility and balance along with mental control. Archery is the sport, practice, or skill of using a bow to shoot arrows. The word comes from the Latin arcus, meaning bow. Historically, archery has been used for hunting and combat. In modern times, it is mainly a competitive sport and recreational activity. The children were excited to try something new and fight some fears!

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Week commencing: 22nd April 2024

This week, in art, year 5 have started their new unit of art - printmaking. They learnt that printing is an indirect art that can be made using a block, plate or screen.  An edition is when a number of prints is taken from a block, plate or screen at the same time whereas, a mono-print is when only one print is made. With this new knowledge, the children made a a mono-print. Be wow'ed by our amazing art work.

Week commencing: 15th April 2024

The first week back at school after a well deserved break and year 5 are off with a bang - a Big Bang! This term, in science, they are learning all about astronomy and astronomers. Their prior knowledge of space was out of this world because they are true super stars! This week, we learnt about our incredible solar systems: our sun and it's eight planets. Here is some of our work.

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Spring Term

This term, year 5 have worked really hard in lots of areas of the curriculum! Here's just some of the incredible things they have been learning about.

In English, they have enjoyed reading 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' by C.S. Lewis. They have been developing fluency and projection when reading aloud in Whole Class Reading lessons. As well as developing their reading skills such as inference and prediction. The children have then used 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe'  as stimulus for a range of writing including a speech, a biography and, their favourite, a narrative.

In Mathematics, Year 5 have been continuing to learn about decimals. They have worked well to be able to partition decimals, add and subtract decimals and even multiply and divide decimals. The children were then clever enough to apply these skills into some tricky word problems including some KS2 SATS problems! They finished the term revising prior fraction knowledge ready for new fraction learning in the summer term.

In the wider curriculum, the pupils in Year 5 have enjoyed learning about: Forces in Science, The Transatlantic Slave Trade in History and Australia in Geography. They have also enjoyed learning about Eucharist in RE and diversity in PSHE. 

Autumn Term

Wow, what an amazing start to Year 5! The children have worked so well in across the curriculum and are showing great behaviour for learning! You will be amazed by all of their incredible achievements.

In English, they have  reading David Almond's 'Skellig'. An amazing book which has helped the children to develop pace and confidence when reading aloud in Whole Class Reading lessons. The class have learnt how David Almond used foreshadowing to make clever hints about the story line and children have tried to use this technique in their own writing. They wrote their own short cliff-hanger which was full of amazing vocabulary 'borrowed' from Skellig.

In Mathematics, Year 5 have been showing off their Year 4 knowledge. They began with place value and working with numbers up to one million!! They then worked on the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children were then clever enough to apply these skills into some tricky two-step word problems.

In the wider curriculum, the pupils in Year 5 have enjoyed learning about: Materials in Science, Baghdad 900CE in History and Mountains in Geography. They have also enjoyed learning about the Qur'an in RE and online safety in PSHE.

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