Please find details of how we have used the sport and pupil premium grants to improve outcomes for our pupils:
Pupil Premium Information
Pupil Premium is a funding allocated to schools by the Department of Education to increase social mobility and reduce the gap in performance between pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers. Its purpose is to raise attainment, accelerate progress and fulfill the achievement potential of all children. Schools receive funding for each disadvantaged pupil and can use the funding flexibly, in the best interests of eligible pupils.
It is up to schools to decide how to spend the Pupil Premium funding because they are best placed to assess what additional educational provision should be put in place to ensure maximum progress for all the children within their care. All schools are held accountable for how they have used the Pupil Premium funding and the impact it has had on the children’s learning.
Sports Premium
We are proud of the PE curriculum provision at our school and of the wealth of extra-curricular opportunities that we provide for our pupils.
Sports include football, hockey, basketball, netball, tag rugby and multi skills. We also have Sports Leaders in Year 6 to help organise key sporting events.
Our focus this year is to ensure children maintain their fitness gained in school over the lockdown periods. So that Covid-19 does not impact on children's physical ability.
Covid -19 Catch up Premium
The government announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up lost time after school closure. This is especially important for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds. This funding includes:
Mainstream school's will get £80 for each pupil in from reception to year 11 inclusive.
Please see our bespoke Catch Up Premium Plan above
Elm CofE Primary School
Tel: 01945 860295
Primary Office Contact Person:
To contact the Headteacher Jackie Mills please email
To contact the SENDCo Mary-Ann Short please email
School Address:
Main Road
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