PSHE and Relationship Education

'Nurturing Hearts and Inspiring minds'

At Elm C of E Primary we follow the Cambridgeshire PSHE Service scheme of work. The Christian values of trust, honesty, forgiveness and loving and caring for one another are lived out in our church school’s everyday life. Pupils’ personal, social, health and emotional development are all promoted in the supportive Christian ethos of our church school, where all are respected, valued and encouraged.

At Elm C of E the teaching and learning of PSHE follows these strands and themes:

Myself and My Relationships: including My Emotions, Beginning and Belonging, Anti-bullying, Family and Friends and Managing Change.

Healthy and Safer Lifestyles: including Personal Safety, Digital Lifestyles, Drug Education, Relationships and Sex Education, Healthy Lifestyles and Managing Safety and Risk: including Road Safety.

Financial Education: Looking at how we spend money and save.

Citizenship: including Diver:sity and Communities, Rights, Rules and Responsibilities and Working Together.

Economic Wellbeing: including Financial Capability.

 At Elm C of E school:

  • We promote a healthy, safe and caring environment for all pupils and staff
  • We provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils, which recognises and values their diverse backgrounds and needs
  • We promote pupils’ self-esteem and emotional wellbeing and help them to form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and for others, at home, school, work and in the community
  • We prepare our pupils to engage confidently with the challenges of adult life
  • We provide sufficient information and support to enable our pupils to make safe choices
  • We provide pupils, through an enriched curriculum, with opportunities to develop the necessary skills to manage their lives effectively
  • We help our pupils to learn to respect themselves and others and move safely from childhood, through adolescence, into adulthood
  • We create a wider awareness of religious, cultural and moral values within a Christian framework and respect for different ethnic groups, religious beliefs and ways of life
  • We promote an inclusive ethos and a culture of mutual respect where diversity and difference are recognised, appreciated and celebrated
  • We work in partnership with parents and carers, and with the wider community, to support children in all aspects of their wellbeing.

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